Witcher 2: Modding Geralt

Posted by on Nov 2, 2011 in Commentary, Guides | 2 comments

Witcher 2 allows you to modify Geralt according to your liking. Modding his stats and abilities is a simple task thanks to an easy-to-read XML file. By the end of this guide you should become comfortable with editing Geralt to mold him to the witcher you want him to be.

Getting Started

1. Download this file. Name it as geralt_basic.xml.

2. Open it using a text or XML editor.

3. Lines in brackets like <this> are entries you can look for in the file.

4. What you’re looking at is my modified file. If you have a mod already installed it might have its own version of geralt_basic (check \<witcher 2 install folder>\CookedPC\abilities\). I recommend you edit that instead.

5. If you’re editing an existing geralt_basic then the min/max values are likely going to be different. That shouldn’t be a problem.

Editing Geralt

Let’s move on to a few notable entries:

<vitality mult="false" always_random="false" min="100" max="100"/>

The numbers determines how much health Geralt has.

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Witcher 2: How To Delete Save Games

Posted by on Oct 24, 2011 in Guides |

Witcher 2 does a lot of things right. It’s a great RPG with solid combat, seamless crafting and an engaging world with its own lore and history. One of the things it does wrong is saving games. Simply put, Witcher 2 doesn’t care about hard drive space. It creates new files every time a game is saved. No overwriting is done.

Here’s the math. One save is equal to two files: a BMP picture and the actual save. Did you just quicksave five times on that mission? Congratulations. You just got ten new files. I’m not even counting autosaves yet.

There are two ways to manage your save games. The first one is obvious: browse to the save game folder and delete the files. This is certainly the recommended method if you want to delete multiple saves. However, it requires going back to Windows. Here’s something you can do in-game:

  1. Press ESC and select Load.
  2. Highlight the save game you want to delete.
  3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. Press Enter to confirm deletion.

This works on version 2.0 of the game.

EDIT: Quicksaves are overwritten. Autosaves are not. My bad, folks.

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