Witcher 2: How To Delete Save Games

Posted by on Oct 24, 2011 in Guides |

Witcher 2 does a lot of things right. It’s a great RPG with solid combat, seamless crafting and an engaging world with its own lore and history. One of the things it does wrong is saving games. Simply put, Witcher 2 doesn’t care about hard drive space. It creates new files every time a game is saved. No overwriting is done.

Here’s the math. One save is equal to two files: a BMP picture and the actual save. Did you just quicksave five times on that mission? Congratulations. You just got ten new files. I’m not even counting autosaves yet.

There are two ways to manage your save games. The first one is obvious: browse to the save game folder and delete the files. This is certainly the recommended method if you want to delete multiple saves. However, it requires going back to Windows. Here’s something you can do in-game:

  1. Press ESC and select Load.
  2. Highlight the save game you want to delete.
  3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. Press Enter to confirm deletion.

This works on version 2.0 of the game.

EDIT: Quicksaves are overwritten. Autosaves are not. My bad, folks.

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DK Woes, Among Other Things

Posted by on Apr 27, 2010 in Commentary |

My guild decided to do an alt ICC 10 run today so I brought my undergeared DK. I seem to recall posting recently about trying to improve his gear and there I was in ICC. I knew I had no right to be there. I knew I was going to embarass myself.

I don’t think I need to write about what happened in there. Needless to say, I got carried and I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong; I’m grateful that my guildmates brought me along knowing that I would contribute nearly nothing to the run, but it’s still uncomfortable to be a freeloader. What happened today just solidified my thoughts on gearing him up. It’s either that or I delete him altogether.

On a side note, it’s my birthday today. I’m still considering if I should get the Celestial Steed as a present for myself. I’m also wondering if I should get an actual gaming mouse to match my keyboard (it’s a Logitech g15). Or a new hard drive! I’m always running out of space. Or maybe I should just sit back and try to solve my Vent problem instead. It won’t detect my microphone. The mic is functional in Windows but not in Vent. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. At least I have a working Internet connection now.

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