Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: Crafting Utility Gems

Posted by on Feb 27, 2012 in Guides |

Shard 1Shard 2Result
PhysicalFire / Ice / Lightning+X health regen per second
PhysicalMagic+X% damage during daytime
PhysicalPhysical+X% damage vs. lightly wounded targets
PhysicalPoison+X% chance to critical hit
PhysicalProtection+X health regen per second
MagicFire / Ice / Lightning+X mana regen per second
MagicMagic+X% mana
MagicPoison+X% damage at night
MagicProtection+X% stun duration
ProtectionFire / Ice / Lightning / Poison+X% health
ProtectionProtection+Y% health (more than above)
FireFire+X% mana
IceIce+X% mana
LightningLightning+X% mana
PoisonPoison+X% mana
IceFire / Lightning+X mana regen per second
IcePoison+X% damage vs. heavily wounded targets
FireIce / Lightning+X mana regen per second
FirePoison+X% damage vs. lightly wounded targets
LightningFire / Ice+X mana regen per second
LightningPoison+X% stun duration
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