Review: Remember Me

Posted by on Aug 4, 2013 in Reviews |

I first heard of Remember Me by accident. I was browsing for wallpapers and found a couple of futuristic cityscapes that I liked.

The pictures eventually led to looking up where they came from and that’s how I found out about the game. I chose it over Deadpool when it came out, deliberately ignoring reviews about both games so that I had no external influences. If I was going to regret the choice then I’d rather discover it myself.

The early impressions I posted about the game persisted until the end so I’m just going to summarize them. The graphics are very impressive, providing immersive environments that just beg to be explored. Unfortunately the linear level design prevented me from doing so. To make things worse there were times when I was fighting the camera. Fine, I can’t explore. Then I find out I can’t even look?

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Remember Me Continued

Remember Me Continued

Posted by on Jul 18, 2013 in Commentary |

Remember Me 2

The platforming seems a little better now that I think I’m a little more used to it. What bothered me before was how jumpy it was. Compared to Assassin’s Creed and Tomb Raider, the leaping, climbing and shimmying need a bit more polish. The platforming works, even though it can be a bit frustrating at times.

Speaking of frustration, I’m not sure if I’m a fan of the forced camera angles. The game gives you free rein of the camera when you’re on walking or running. It grabs control of the camera once you start climbing, often placing it too close or at odd angles. On the plus side, this usually results in a rather dramatic viewpoint, granting you a more immersive experience. The downside is that you can’t see anything else, curtailing exploration. For example, when I was playing earlier today the UI indicated that the rail above me was climbable. It also seemed possible to go down even though there were no visual indicators confirming it. The fixed camera prevented me from checking if going down was indeed an option. I had to take a leap of faith to actually find out. I’m nitpicking because I like the game’s gritty vision of the future. I want to see more of it.

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Early Impressions: Remember Me

Early Impressions: Remember Me

Posted by on Jul 17, 2013 in Commentary |

Remember Me

I played the intro level of Remember Me and found myself thinking if choosing it over Deadpool was the right move. Let’s start with the plus points first.

The game looks very good. The visuals do a great job of immersing you in the world of Neo-Paris and the science fiction that it’s trying to present. I like the way the story is set up, mixing a standard escape sequence with the horror of the game’s premise.

The gameplay feels a bit lackluster so far. I’ve only seen the combat and the platforming and both of them leave something to be desired. The former feels awkward, requiring stricter timing with even the basic moves while managing to look unrewarding. There’s no style, no flair in the way the main character fights. Jumping, climbing and shimmying along rails isn’t a smooth affair either. Overall, it seems like it wants to be a great action game and a great platformer. It’s falling short of both for now.

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