Nioh 2: The Best Weapon in the Game

Nioh 2: The Best Weapon in the Game

Posted by on Jun 17, 2020 in Commentary, featured, PS4 |

Note that what is written here is an opinion only. It is not meant to be a review of each weapon. Use what works best for you.

Swords. Still the coolest weapon. It is very visually pleasing to see the player character sheathe a sword then perform Iai Quickdraw. Being able to do this effectively requires a lot of practice though, making the cool moves a reward for the time invested in learning the weapon.

Spears. It still has the advantage of reach without sacrificing attack speed and mobility. Overall it remains to be a very solid weapon but is not too much fun to use.

Dual Swords. Back in Nioh 1 my go-to skill for this weapon was Whirlwind. It feels like it’s been nerfed in the sequel because it seems to have a smaller hitbox. It doesn’t hit as far as it used to. There are other skills, of course, but as mentioned Whirlwind was my favorite so it was discouraging to use this weapon. 

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