Mass Effect 3: The Ending and Damage Control

Posted by on Apr 6, 2012 in Commentary |

This is another “late to the party” post because I didn’t really have anything to say about Mass Effect 3’s ending that hasn’t been said already. But with the news of Bioware releasing a DLC pack to address exactly that, I don’t think there’s any point in withholding my reaction.

I like to think of my reaction to the ending as relatively mild compared to what I’ve seen online. I made a backup copy of the auto-save as soon as I got to the Crucible, then chose the Synthesis ending. After viewing that I loaded the backup and viewed the other two outcomes (the fact that I could choose an ending is disturbing enough). I was disappointed with all three, thinking “that’s it?!?!” and found myself in disbelief over what I just saw. I didn’t touch Mass Effect 3 for a week after that, opting for Dungeon Defenders and SFxT instead. It actually felt good to see that the reactions I read online expressed the same disappointment, with varying degrees of added fury.

If you want to know where the disappointment comes from, you can check a previous post about the subject. To elaborate further, let me tell you my story about Commander Shepard.

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Review: Lair of the Shadow Broker

Review: Lair of the Shadow Broker

Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Commentary, Reviews | 2 comments


So I just finished Lair of the Shadow Broker two days ago. Here’s what I can tell you guys about it:

The Shadow Broker is the most powerful information broker in the Mass Effect universe, a mysterious yet lingering presence capable of manipulating people, factions and perhaps even entire planets to do his bidding, all while remaining hidden in the background. Who he is and how he’s able to do allthis have been unanswered questions since the first game. Reuniting with former squadmate Liara T’Soni in the second installment reveals that he had a hand in recovering Shepard’s corpse and, somewhere in the process, earned Liara’s wrath. Lair of the Shadow Broker promises to take you to his base of operations and a chance to continue your relationship with Liara. Does it deliver?

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Bioware Announces New Mass Effect 2 DLC: Lair of the Shadowbroker

Bioware Announces New Mass Effect 2 DLC: Lair of the Shadowbroker

Posted by on Aug 24, 2010 in News |


We are pleased to announce this morning that the next Mass Effect 2 DLC episode The Lair of the Shadowbroker will be available on the PC and Xbox 360 on Tuesday September 7 and will cost 800 BioWare/Microsoft points. Not only is this an excellent adventure through Illium and the shadowbroker’s secret lair, this new DLC will add the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and give fans from Mass Effect 1the chance to continue a relationship with Liara.

To help whet your appetite, we have added 4 new Shadowbroker screenshots to the Mass Effect gallery. You can check them out here:


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