Well, the leveling took longer than usual. Two weeks after I got WotLK, I finally managed to get my rogue up to 80. It’s a week longer than I anticipated, which made me think about the time it took to get from level 1 to 70 (about a month). My /played showed that I needed 7-9 hours to get from one level to the next (70-71, for example), which is roughly the same rate that I got from the previous expansion (going from 60-61). While it’s a nice parallel, I still wish I leveled faster.
Every WoW player will tell you that maxing your level is actually only the beginning. When you get to that point, it’s time to get your character geared. The entry level dungeon is Naxxramas, so just like TBC’s Karazhan, it’s time to get pre-Naxx gear. The problem with that is I can’t find any pre-Naxx gear list of rogues yet, so I’ll have to wait for that. For now, I’m going to try to follow WoW Insider’s rep reward list and go from there.
The last thing I want to mention is that I’ll be linking my armory page to the site permanently. My intent is to get feedback regarding my gear, talents and other things related to being a rogue. WotLK is so new I’m having a hard time getting the information I need, so anything that will help improve my DPS output will be great.
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