On The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross

Posted by on Feb 4, 2011 in Commentary |

It all started with Daigo.

Daigo Umehara is one of the best, if not the best Street Fighter player in the world. His rise to fame started with his defeat of Justin Wong in EVO 2004 where he parried all of Chun-Li’s attacks then countered it with one of his own to get the victory. Now that I have Super Street Fighter IV, I’ve been watching videos of his matches on YouTube, trying to learn from them as much as I can.

I inevitably ran into Cross Counter TV and from there got to The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross, both of which are hosted by the aforementioned professional Street Fighter players. Cross Counter TV covers match analysis, news and recaps, mostly focused on Street Fighter but occasionally branching out to other fighting games as well. What I really enjoy though is Excellent Adventures.

The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross covers the two hosts trolling Xbox Live and the Playstation Network, looking for matches and duking it out with other players online. While the fights are genuine (meaning they’re not staged or predetermined or anything), the actual effort the guys put into fighting is a cross between competition-level play and trolling. As expected, there’s a lot of trash talking involved, some saltiness and a ton of goofing around. Of course, you’ll need to be into Street Fighter a bit to appreciate the series, but overall it really is comedy gold.

The first few episodes of season 1 feel like they’re still trying to find the right format so I suggest you just jump directly to season 2 and then go back to season 1 if you feel like doing so. Season 2 features tournament players Combofiend and Flash Metroid, two very skilled fighters who both have a talking trash. I won’t spoil the punchlines. Just go and try to watch an episode or two.