Horizon Zero Dawn: Weapon Modification Recommendations

Horizon Zero Dawn: Weapon Modification Recommendations

Posted by on Mar 11, 2017 in featured, Guides, PS4 |

Hunter Bow

As I mentioned in my previous post, I suggest putting all fire mods on this weapon. While it’s capable of decent damage, the Sharpshot Bow does more. What it can do is set foes on fire from a distance with good accuracy. With Double/Triple Shot, immolating targets becomes a first attack option.

Sharpshot Bow

You can go all damage or combine it with handling if you want faster aiming and reload.


I prefer Tripcasters to have stopping power, so using shock mods is the way to go. Note that I prefer using a War Bow to apply that debuff though.

War Bow

War Bows are best used for applying elemental status effects. I use two War Bows, one for applying corruption and then another to shock targets.


I use freeze mods on Slings. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the range of freeze arrows on War Bows is terrible so I prefer using them on this weapon.

Blast Sling

If you have any spare damage mods, use them here. As you can tell, this is not my go-to weapon for most fights.


Go all damage mods on this one. Works really well against frozen targets.


Use handling mods so you can shoot quickly. I use this on Stormbirds and not much else.