GameStop To Carry More Casual Games This Year

Posted by on Jan 25, 2008 in News |

Game retailer GameStop is looking to expand its consumer base this year by carrying more casual titles on its shelves. Here are excerpts from the report:

“…Management indicated that the company is making progress in broadening its consumer base as videogames move into the mainstream, and there is broad consumer demand for Nintendo platforms (Wii and DS),” said Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian in a note following a recent meeting with GameStop top execs.

With the growing interest in casual console games, driven primarily by the popularity of the Wii and DS, GameStop aims to expand beyond the hardcore audience to achieve maximum sales.

While this isn’t the sort of news that hardcore gamers look forward to reading, it doesn’t necessarily mean the impact is going to be negative automatically. More casual titles can simply mean more games, but if the said games begin to take up the shelf space of hardcore titles, then it would be bad for hardcore gamers.

Read: Next-Gen