A Quick Update

Posted by on May 4, 2013 in Commentary | 2 comments

I liked Tomb Raider so much that I also installed the PC version after finishing it twice on Xbox 360. TressFX looks good on Lara, even if it breaks immersion a bit. I mean, it’s a little hard to believe she’s stranded on an island when her hair looks like she just stepped out of the salon. Who says you can’t deal with the supernatural and look good at the same time?

I bought and installed StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm a couple of days after it was released. I haven’t touched it since. I played Darksiders and Darksiders II using a newly-acquired PC-compatible Xbox 360 Wireless Controller. Other than getting the benefit of having a controller for the PC, it will allow me to play the XBLA titles I have on the Xbox with another player.

Around the last half of April I also bought 3DS games: Fire Emblem: Awakening and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I’m still playing the former, even going as far as purchasing a couple of DLC maps to make the overall experience smoother. I somewhat regretfully report that I do not have the patience to play it on Lunatic difficulty. I tried it and the multiple failures reminded me of some tower defense games wherein build orders are so strict that one misstep made me want to redo everything. I had no intention of experiencing that on Fire Emblem.